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 Script: Vote Counter

Thank you, Mister (or Madam) Toastmaster, Fellow Toastmasters, and welcome Guests!
As Vote Counter, I will collect and count the ballots (hold up a ballot as an example) when the audience
votes for Best Speaker, Best Table Topics Speaker, and Best Evaluator.

(and Best of the Big Three. The Big
Three are the Toastmaster, the Table Topics Master, and the General Evaluator. not in ICF)

I will record which person wins in each category.
I will not cast a ballot myself, except in the case of a tie, in which case I will cast a vote to break the tie. I
will not announce a tie vote.

Place your vote in one of these containers (show container) on each table.
(In case of online ICF uses "chat box" or polling feature to collect ballots)

At the end of the meeting, I will announce and award ribbons to the winners of the votes.
(In remote meeting, no ribbon is used.)

The ballots also have space to write comments to each speaker, evaluator and Table Topics participant.
Please place comments in the containers and I will deliver them to the appropriate speaker.
(In remote meetings, we use "chat box" to send comments,.)
Mister (or Madam) Toastmaster
I will announce the winners.
The best Table Topic Speaker is........DRUM ROLL......TM. Tanaka! Congratulations!!
or The winner for the Table Topic is......
or The prize of the best Table Topic Speaker goes to.....