船橋中央公民館など 現在はZoomでも

 Script: General Evaluator

Checklist and short script:

When introduced by the Toastmaster, please state the following:

“Good evening Mr./Madam Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters, and guests.
The purpose of the General Evaluator is to evaluate everything that takes place throughout the meeting. During the meeting, I will take notes on everything that happens and doesn’t happen. I will evaluate each participant on the meeting program and look for good examples of preparation, organization, delivery, enthusiasm, observation, and performance of duties.
At the end of the meeting, I will give my report.
Thank you, Mr./Madam Toastmaster.”

Before Meeting check these:
Were the room and equipment set up on time?
Were guests welcomed upon arrival?
Were guests informed about Toastmasters and the meeting format?

Meeting Opening
Was the presiding officer prepared and organized?
Did the meeting start on time?
Was everyone properly introduced?
Was the Toastmaster properly introduced?

General Evaluator Checklist

Did the Toastmaster fill all roles prior to the meeting starting?
(Did the Toastmaster introduce and explain the meeting’s theme? 普通は不要)
Did the Toastmaster properly introduce the Timer/Ah Counter/Grammarian/Vote Counter/Table Topic Master/
PS Speakers/General Evaluator?

Was the Grammarian prepared and did they introduce their role within the allotted time?

Did the WOE properly introduce the Word of the Day?
Was the Word of the Day challenging, appropriate, and fitting for the theme of the meeting?

Was the Timer prepared and did they introduce their role within the allotted time?

Ah counter
Was the Ah-Counter prepared and did they introduce their role within the allotted time?

Table Topic Master
Was the purpose and timing of Table Topics® properly explained?
Was the topic selected appropriate and did it fit the meeting theme?
Did the Topic master call on people who did not have a meeting role first during Table Topics?
Were guests invited to participate?
Did the Topic master track time to ensure the meeting stayed on schedule?
Was control properly returned to the Toastmaster?

Reference Articles:
1. The General Evaluator